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Thursday, January 23, 2025 


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  8/3/2022 •
  Shalom in a world where there is little of that. I have just completed an update on the possibility of an American military clash with China and Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine and how that relates to the Sina-American struggle. To read it click the blue line below. I alsogave a recent hour long video report on the world crisis situation, which you can see by going to YouTube and typing in Olive Tree David Dolan. It comes right up
  3/28/2022 •
  Shalom! I’ve just completed a new world war update, which you can read by clicking the blue line tag below. Naturally enough, it focuses on the growing and dangerous war and its effects on Russia and Eastern Europe, and the comparisons between the year 1942, when the Nazi holocaust began at the height of the global conflict that was World War Two, and to our year 2022. I recently spoke about the war and other topics via Zoom to the Olive Tree Messianic congregation in Spokane, Washington, which has been posted by them on YouTube. The talk begins with some personal testimony about how I ended up living most of my adult life in Israel, before moving on to current events and prophetic possibilities. To watch it, click this link: or just type in David Dolan Olive Tree on their search engine and it comes right up.
  1/27/2022 •
  I normally spend some extra time in prayer at the beginning of each new year, which is also my “re-birthday,” marking the day I accepted the Father’s free gift of eternal life in His son Yeshua, the Lamb of God, on January 4th, 1974. This year, I sensed the Lord’s Holy Spirit showing me that 2022 would be very much like another year that ended with a two, 1942 (the current Jewish year also ends with a two, 5782). That was the year World War Two ramped up into a full global conflagration following the American entrance into the fray on December 7th, 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Of course, the war actually began three years earlier when Adolph Hitler invaded Poland in September, 1939. He took over Norway in 1940, and soon afterwards Nazi forces seized control over Paris while stepping up attacks upon England and other European countries. Click below to read the rest of my report.
  3/25/2021 •
  Previous posts on this website document that I began anticipating in the summer of 2017 that some sort of seriously disruptive “assault” upon America and the world would come out of Asia. I was shown this in prayer, and so I began purchasing extra long-life food and other essential items (including TP!!) since I perceived that the crisis, which would lead to great loss of life worldwide and many other negative things, was not too far off. Today, one year after the vicious virus began to spread from China to other parts of our planet, where are we at, and what can we expect for the rest of this year and beyond? Click below to read my latest thoughts on this topic, and whatever else you do, put your trust in the unchanging Maker of Heaven and Earth!
  11/20/2020 •
  AS WE NEAR THE END of this volcanic year featuring a global pandemic originating in Communist China, subsequent worldwide economic shipwreck, enhanced violence, crime, political instability and strife, many of us are just glad to still be alive! With the pandemic surging once again amid growing political turmoil in America and elsewhere, what can we expect for 2021? Click for my full report, and keep looking up to the Throne of Grace!
  9/3/2020 •
  As we near the nineteenth anniversary of the deadly 9-11 terror attacks upon America in September 2001, the world is still battling the Coronavirus pandemic that broke out early this year in China and then rapidly spread all over the shaking planet. International travel remains at a virtual standstill nine months into the nefarious plague, while people and economies everywhere struggle to cope with the crisis. Where is this all leading to? Will life soon return to “normal” or is more trouble just ahead? What are the prophetic implications of the pandemic and resulting global upheaval? Click the link below to read my latest assessment of the current situation in America and the world, and what may be looming on the stormy horizon.
  5/21/2020 •
  In my last post on this website, I examined the Chinese Communist government’s handling of the Coronavirus outbreak and its rapid worldwide spread (pandemic), and also the significant impact this year’s vicious pandemic is having on the deeply divided United States. I also looked at the political and prophetic implications of the international crisis for the world’s leading economic and military power and its close friends and foes. In this report, I take a look at how the virus has impacted Israel, and what could happen in the coming weeks and months as a result of the still spreading scourge.
  5/8/2020 •
  In my last post, I focused on the substantial, if still mostly circumstantial, evidence that Chinese scientists working for the communist government deliberately created and unleashed the insidious Coronavirus on an unprepared world, or at least knowingly allowed it to spread abroad. Since the United States has one of the largest expat Chinese communities on earth---nearly four million souls--with extensive business ties and flights between the two countries as well, any viral release would most likely substantially impact the USA, which is now obviously the case, however the pandemic began.
  4/29/2020 •
  As I’ve previously shared, beginning in September 2017 I strongly sensed the Holy Spirit showing me that a serious disruption of “normal life” was coming relatively soon to the United States and the rest of the world. Significant human suffering and death would be involved, I perceived, and “life as we know it” would be fundamentally altered, at least for a time. Click to read my full report on China's role in the crisis, and how long the pandemic might last.
  4/7/2020 •
  The novel CO-rona VI-rus D-isease that broke out in late 2019 (shortened to COVID-19) has now spread to almost every country in the world in just a few month’s time. Unlike most diseases, natural disasters, revolutions, wars and the like, this affliction is rapidly and directly affecting people everywhere on earth: from politicians, business and clerical leaders and even royalty, to millions of adults and students suddenly thrown out of work and school. To read more about its possible causes and effects, click the link below.
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