9/30/2013 • Jerusalem |
It was another month of dramatic news emanating from the turbulent Middle East as the United States teetered on the edge of launching a punishing military strike upon the embattled Syrian Assad regime. The Israeli government and people followed developments very closely, knowing they could easily get caught up in the unpredictable repercussions of such action. Details of the month’s unfolding news concerning Syria and other topics is contained in this Israel news review and analysis report. |
8/27/2013 • Jerusalem |
Click for this month's Israel news review report. This month, the crisis in Egypt and the warfare and reported chemical weapons attack in Syria topped the headlines in Israel, meaning once again serious domestic concerns have taken second place to spreading regional upheaval. |
7/29/2013 • Jerusalem |
The main news in Israel during July was once again not something happening inside the Jewish State, but further major upheaval taking place in yet another Arab country located along Israel’s borders, this time Egypt. The military ouster of President Muhammad Morsi from power after just one year in office, and its subsequent dramatic effects in the largest Arab country on earth, naturally dominated the Israeli news headlines all month. Israeli officials expressed strong concern that Egypt might be plunged into an ugly civil war. This came as violence escalated in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Details of the seismic events unfolding in Egypt, the ongoing conflict in Syria, and the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process are in this month’s Israel news report. |
6/27/2013 • Jerusalem |
Human rights groups now say that over 100,000 people have perished in the war that has been tearing apart Syria since March 2011. Intense battles also took place in neighboring Lebanon during the month between supporters and opponents of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Palestinian rockets have once again been fired at Israeli civilian areas near the Gaza Strip as internal strife gripped the Palestinian Authority government. Details are posted in my monthly Israel news report. |
5/30/2013 • Jerusalem |
This month’s Israel news review looks in particular at the seemingly growing prospect of major warfare breaking out between Israel and its troubled neighbor to the north, Syria. A brief clash took place during May on the tense Golan Heights, captured by IDF forces from Syria during the Six Day War which began 46 years ago on June 5. Earlier in the month, Israeli aircraft attacked a Syrian arms convoy apparently heading toward Lebanon, and a chemical weapons facility near Damascus. Details of the crisis with Syria and this month’s other major developments in the region are posted in this month's report. |
4/22/2013 • Jerusalem |
Click for the latest news from Israel. |
4/16/2013 • Jerusalem |
Click here for a report on Monday's terrorist attack in Boston, and its possible connection to my post last week concerning possible imminent war on the Korean peninsula. |
4/12/2013 • Jerusalem |
I felt constrained to comment on the current crisis situation on the Korean peninsula and its possible implications for the world, the United States and Israel. I sensed in prayer earlier this month that April 14th might be an important date in regards to North Korea’s vow to launch a thermonuclear war upon South Korea and America, before knowing this was one day before the current leader’s grandfather would have turned 101 had he still been alive. It is said to be the most important date on the regime’s annual calendar, and one that has been previously connected to other regime provocations. I note that the day begins in North Korea some six hours before it does here in Israel, and 13 hours before midnight arrives along the eastern seaboard in America.
4/1/2013 • Jerusalem |
Last year, I sent out to my large email list some of my salient thoughts concerning the possible prophetic significance of the dramatic events that have been unfolding in recent years here in the turbulent Middle East and elsewhere on planet earth. Specifically I wrote about the so-called “Arab Spring” (which I labeled an “Islamic Fundamentalist Spring” in some of my public talks delivered near the start of the wave of revolts in early 2011), and its possible political, social and prophetic implications for Israel and the rest of the world. Today—the last day of Passover, and a very dusty one here in Jerusalem—I want to mainly focus on the prophetic side of the sharp tremors increasingly rocking this region. |
3/27/2013 • Jerusalem |
It has been another dramatic month in the Promised Land, with the formation of a new Israeli government and the state visit by American President Barrack Obama. Click for the details. I also write about the deteriorating situation in neighboring Syria, with its deadly internal war increasingly affecting the Jewish State, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. |