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  8/27/2018 • Jerusalem
  Several Middle East media outlets are reporting a significant buildup of military forces by both Washington and Moscow as fighting continues in Syria and other parts of the explosive Middle East. Click for more details.
  8/23/2018 • Jerusalem
  The Israeli Debka security web site is reporting that a joint American-Israeli military campaign against Iranian forces and their allies in the region may have begun within the last few hours. An Iranian controlled Iraqi Shiite militia force is coming under heavy bombardment while convoying on a highway in Iraq near the Syrian border, says the report. The fire is coming from unidentified warplanes thought to belong to Israel and America. THIS COULD EASILY LEAD TO FULL WAR between Western forces and Iran and its allies in the coming hours or days, as I have been anticipating for some time this year. Heavily armed Lebanese Hezbollah fighters could join the action at any time, possibly unleashing a torrent of rockets aimed at Israeli targets. Watch and pray!!
  6/16/2018 • Jerusalem
  US President Donald Trump's dramatic 'reality television' summit with his former 'Rocket Man' nemesis in Singapore earlier this week seems to signal the possible peaceful end to the long standing conflict over the divided Korean peninsula---but don't bet on it. This nut has yet to be actually cracked despite repeated efforts to do so for many decades now. The seeming about face by the brutal North Korean Communist Kim Family regime, set up by the Soviet Union after the Korean War, came as a surprise to most intelligence officials around the world. What is really behind it all and where it will end remains to be seen. Meanwhile Trump is being hailed by supporters, and even by a few opponents, for getting the portly Kim to the negotiating table, even if the actual summit showed that the rogue regime probably has a very different view of where it will end up than the President does. The summit came soon after a longtime friend of mine from Israel told me he thinks Trump might prove to be the 'man on the white horse' in Revelation 6. He noted that he is clearly 'going out to conquer' or at least nuetralize America's two most threatening current enemies, North Korea and Iran, and may take on others as well. Interesting times we live in (ugh)!! Tensions remain high on the Golan Heights where Syrian military forces backed by Iranian and Hezbollah fighters continue to prepare for a major attack to oust anti-Assad forces from the area. Israel's surprise army reserve mobilization last Sunday morning was another indication that a full on war may break out at any time.
  5/30/2018 • Jerusalem
  Here is the latest report from Debka...ominous indeed..........Hours after the Palestinians paused on Wednesday, May 30, in their broadest rocket/mortar assault on Israel in four years, their Iranian backers were already moving on the Golan. Under cover of the deafening Gaza clash, Iran, Syria and Hizballah began marching military units on the road to Quneitra opposite Israel’s Golan border. They include the Syrian army’s 42nd armored brigade of the elite 4th Division. DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report Iran is employing its classical tactic of cooling one sector – on Israel’s southern border with Gaza – while creeping up silently on another – the Golan front in the north. The movement is timed to reach Quneitra on Thursday, May 31, when Russian defense minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu and his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman are due to meet in Moscow.
  5/20/2018 • Jerusalem
  I mentioned a few months ago that I sensed in prayer that the 17th of some future month might prove critical in the possibility of a military showdown between the United States and its regional allies against Communist North Korea. I later noted that the evil regime's close ally Iran might also be connected to this date, especially if military action in the Far East triggered the same in the explosive Middle East. Last week on the 17th, the White House learned that the rogue "Kim" family regime, which has crippled life in the area under its stifling control for far too many decades--as President Trump and other word leaders have pointed out-- may cancel the planned summit meeting currently set for June 12 in Singapore--a city-state I've been to several times and a close friend of Israel. If it does so, military action may become inevitable, as the President and John Bolton have made clear. Stay tuned! Meanwhile I'm hearing that the growing warfare between Israel and Iran is probably not over, with a suspected Iranian drone spotted over the Golan Heights on Thursday night followed by some sort of massive attack on a Syrian air base in Hama--widely attributed to Israel but other reports speak of a ground attack of some sort which of course could also have a "Made in Israel" stamp on it. Either way, dozens of Iranian and Syrian forces were killed and huge quantities of surface to air rockets destroyed in the action. So the news continues to be far more interesting than it should be, especially as spring turns to summer (in the north...but winters are mild in Oz and NZ and hopefully rainy in South Africa). I was just watching a summary of Israel's ancient and modern history that I presented on the Zola Levitt television program a few years back...check it out if you like on YouTube:
  5/13/2018 • Jerusalem
  It is Monday morning in Israel, May 14...a special day and week ahead. As we hope and pray for a peaceful day in the Lord's chosen city, we know that trouble looms. To hear my latest assessment on what could take place, go to
  5/10/2018 • Jerusalem
  I was working in southern Lebanon when the first Iranian sponsored terror attack slaughtered a number of Israeli soldiers in 1982. The terrorist was an elderly Shiite Lebanese man who was paid by Iran to hide a bomb on his donkey which he detonated at an Israeli military checkpoint. Now 36 years later, Iran has for the first time directly fired its own deadly rockets at Israeli targets after sponsoring many such attacks from its Lebanese and Palestinian proxy forces over the years. Only the sophisticated and expensive Iron Dome system prevented four of the rockets from striking IDF military bases on the Golan Heights (16 others were allowed to land and explode since they were projected to hit uninhabited areas). Middle East media reports say Iran is continuing to ship fresh missiles into Syria and Lebanon despite the huge blow its Revolutionary Guards suffered in the massive IDF retaliation early today, in which some 28 Israeli warplanes pounded around 60 Iranian positions, including one at Damascus international airport. I suspect we are not far from the fulfillment of Isaiah 17, the complete destruction of Damascus, and also possibly Isaiah 18, which seemingly refers to an attack or a natural disaster that clips the wings of the unnamed world power (many believe this is probably the USA---see my book ISRAEL IN CRISIS where I wrote about that prospect). Isaiah 18 is fulfilled one year in late spring when the "blossoming bud" is becoming a "ripening grape." It looks like the biblical "end of days" is beginning to unfold on the world stage. In such times, it is so good to know that the God of Israel is our ultimate shelter and shield!
  5/9/2018 • Jerusalem
  LATE REPORTS SAY IRANIAN REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS HAVE FIRED AROUND 20 ROCKETS INTO ISRAEL AFTER MIDNIGHT LOCAL TIME. NO IMMEDIATE CASUALTIES REPORTED. A BRAZEN ACT OF WAR FOR SURE. Israel continues to prepare for an expected military attack from Iranian and Lebanese Shiite forces in the coming hours or days. Reserve officers are being called up for military duty along with some lower level reserve forces. Most reserve fighters are being left in their home locations in anticipation of widespread rocket attacks upon Israeli population centers, especially in the north, where their assistance would be urgently needed. Bomb shelters are being prepared for imminent occupation in the tense Golan Heights and other parts of northern Israel, where I lived from 1980 until 1984. Israeli officials have moved an arsenal of "Iron Dome" and "Arrow" systems (the latter to take out high flying ballistic missiles) up to the north. Middle East media reports continue to speak of a major US, French and British military buildup in the area despite public protests from European leaders over President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal. We appear to be on the brink of a major conflict, although Russia could still probably stop it if the Kremlin ordered the Syrian Assad regime to order the Iranians to pull out of their country (some 80,000 Iranian fighters are thought to be in the Arab country along with many Lebanese militiamen). However this possibility may only prompt the rogue Shiite mullahs lording it over Tehran to order an imminent attack upon the detested "Zionist entity"...stay tuned and pray!
  4/30/2018 • Jerusalem
  As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was revealing to the world captured evidence that Iran has been suckering the world concerning its nuclear program and weapons intentions, IDF forces were placed on full war alert along Israel's tense borders with Syria and Lebanon. Israel's "security" (i.e. war) cabinet was also meeting in emergency session after more IDF strikes on Iranian positions in Syria earlier today that were supplying fresh weapons to the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which is busy preparing itself for war with Israel. Civilian air traffic has now been banned in northern Israel for the next month, a usual sign of imminent military action if past closures are any indication. Israeli media reports say heavy military traffic is heading up to the northern Galilee region this evening. I believe we may be on the verge of the fulfillment of Isaiah 17, when Damascus is said to be totally destroyed while Israel's "fatness" becomes thin. If so, the ramifications for the region and the world are extremely serious indeed. Pray for our leaders...they really need the Lord's guidance at this crucial hour.
  4/27/2018 • Jerusalem
  Evidence continues to mount suggesting that the radical Shiite Muslim regime in control of Iran is making final preparations for a military attack against Israel. I am finishing an update report on this crucial topic, which is being underplayed, if not totally ignored, by much of the world media, especially in the United States. Three crucial things that will increase tensions to a fever pitch will coincide the second week in May, just a bit over two weeks away: 1) President Trump will most likely announce that he is pulling the US out of the Iranian nuclear deal. 2) The new US embassy will be officially opened in the center of Jerusalem across from a large city park. 3) The Hamas-led Palestinian "March of Freedom" that has led to violent clashes with Israeli border police (many of whom are native Arabic speakers) and IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip will reach its crescendo of violence on May 14. That is when many Arabs annually mark "Al Naqba" day, meaning "the catastrophe" in Arabic. Of course, they are referring to Israel's miraculous rebirth on May 14, 1948 after two thousand years of Jewish statelessness and persecution. I will be posting more about all of this, and my reaction to the surprise situation on the Korean peninsula, early next week. As usual, I will be commenting on the tense Middle East situation on Saturday's Prophecy Today radio program, which can be heard live at 1:15 PM or at any time via their web site.
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