5/28/2012 • Jerusalem |
Here is my Israel news and analysis report, covering the formation of the new National Unity Government in early May and the latest threats to destroy Israel emanating from Iran. The Middle East is roiling like I have never seen it before in my over 30 years living and working as a journalist here in Israel, with Muslim fundamentalists assuming power in the Arab world’s largest country, Egypt, and internal fighting escalating in Syria and now spreading to Lebanon as Iran speeds up its nuclear production program. The prospects of a regional war this summer seem quite high, as detailed in this latest monthly news digest. You may sign up to receive the report in your e mail box for free each month via this web site. Thanks to the many who have sent positive comments on my new novel, Millennium: The Lord Reigns, which is also available for hard copy and electronic purchase on this web site. |
5/11/2012 • Jerusalem |
Several people have written to ask for my reactions to a television report broadcast last month on the American 60 Minutes program concerning the “exodus” of Arab Christians from the Holy Land. The program is carried by CBS, the same network I worked for as a radio reporter from early 1988 until late 2000. So I decided to write an opinion piece about it. |
5/8/2012 • Jerusalem |
A political earthquake struke Israel today when it was announced that the strongest coalition government in the country's modern history has been formed by PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Among other things, this probably means a military strike upon Iran's nuclear facilities is looming.
5/1/2012 • Jerusalem |
Click for my latest Israel news and analysis report, covering the most important developments that happened during April. This month, my report focuses mostly on the conflict between Israel and Iran, with speculation still swirling that an Israeli attack upon Iran’s nuclear program sites might take place this year. However since the report was written, it has become clear that Israel may be heading to early national elections this year, which might act to put off any military action for the time being. Details about the political situation will be highlighted in next month’s report.
4/28/2012 • Jerusalem |
I am very pleased to announce the publication of my new novel MILLENNIUM: THE LORD REIGNS. It is now available for purchase on this web site at a special introductory discount price of JUST $12.95 (the retail price is $15.95 since it is 383 pages long). Five copies or more are just $10.95. However for those orders, you must connect via this email address: orders.millennium@gmial.com In North America, you can also order five copies or more by phoning toll free 888-639-8530. Bulk order prices are also available via email or phone. As mentioned before, my new novel—written almost entirely here in Jerusalem over the past year, but prayerfully plotted in my mind for over a decade—takes many of the same characters from my first novel, THE END OF DAYS, into the prophesied thousand year reign of Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) here in Jerusalem. I employ my intimate knowledge of Jerusalem as a solid base to build a plausible scenario of how this unique city, and then the entire world, will be transformed after the Conquering Messiah returns to reign in glory. Copies of my companion original novel are available at half price, just $6.50! The sales link for that has now been set up on the left side of this home page. Enjoy and be blessed!
4/1/2012 • Jerusalem |
Click for my news and analysis report for March, 2012. I mainly look at the summit meeting at the White House between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama. I also detail what type of regional conflict might break out if Israel attacks Iran's rogue nuclear program, and also look at developments in Syria and the Gaza Strip. |
September 2011 Israel News Review |
9/26/2011 • From Jerusalem |
Click for the latest Israel news and analysis report, covering the most important news stories from the country and region during September. As expected, this month’s report zeros in on the dramatic Palestinian Authority attempt to secure full statehood recognition at the United Nations in New York. I examine the implications and behind the scenes reasons for the unilateral gambit which was strongly opposed by the Israeli government as a major violation of the Oslo peace accord signed in 1993.
Israel News Review August 2011 |
8/28/2011 • Jerusalem |
Click for my latest Israel news and analysis report. This month, I focus on the Palestinian terrorist assaults on Israeli civilian vehicles near the southern port of Eilat which took eight lives. This in turn provoked IDF air strikes on terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip and the heaviest Palestinian shelling of Israeli cities and towns in the region in almost three years, leaving more dead and wounded on both sides. Israel’s relations with Egypt were severely strained during the encounters as thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in anti-Israel demonstrations. Suspicions that the Palestinians rocket barrage was ordered by Iran to test Israel’s new Iron Dome anti-rocket system were enhanced by the fall of Libya’s strongman Muammar Gaddafi as the brutal Syrian regime, allied with Iran, continued to slaughter its own people in the streets. With a unilateral Palestinian statehood declaration looming at the UN, all this increased fears that a major regional war may be in the offing. |
8/10/2011 • Jerusalem |
Click to read my latest commentary published on the World Net Daily website. It is about the debt crisis in America and where it may lead in terms of the ever-weakening US dollar. I take to task both major US political parties for digging such a deep debt hole over the decades, examining how that took place. I want to make clear that it is not meant in any way to be anti-US military, but against continuous overspending beyond the country’s means in that area and many others. None of us would personally survive financially if the government and congressional constant borrowing methods were practiced by us on a regular basis. Neither can the great United States, in my estimation. Coincidently, it was written on the Ninth of Av, the annual Hebrew calendar date which is the most solemn of the year, when many Jews fast and pray in mourning for the destruction of the first and second temples and other disasters that befell the Jewish people over the centuries on that date. I also mention the lawless violence in many UK cities and warn that the same thing may come to America if the economy again turns south, as seems likely. |
7/30/2011 • Jerusalem |
Although it was thankfully a relatively quiet month here in Israel dominated by domestic news, there were several warning signs that serious trouble may lie ahead as the Palestinians prepare to declare unilateral
statehood in September amid escalating upheaval in nearby Syria, and the prospect of an IDF attack upon Iran’s nuclear program, which according to an ex- CIA official is also being planned for September.